
Crystal Characterization—Rigaku X-Ray Crystallography Equipment

It is well known that no crystal is perfect. Therefore, one will always find deviations from the ideal structure in natural or artificially produced crystals. These deviations may be related to compositional inhomogeneities, impurities, or defects, all of which affect most of the physical properties of the crystal. The characterization of crystals is therefore a prerequisite for a meaningful interpretation of the results obtained. It is also important from an application point of view. Creative Proteomics offers a crystal characterization service based on Rigaku X-Ray Crystallography Equipment.

Name of the Instrument/Technicial Service

Rigaku X-Ray Crystallography Equipment


Key Components 1. X-ray generator-Rigaku MicroMax-007HF X-ray generator-The MicroMax 007HF is Rigaku's standard lab rotating anode microfocus source and is the latest generation of the original microfocus rotating anode generator. The MicroMax 007HF is current and reliable and is the one component that has been retained from previous instrumentation. 2. Optics-Varimax-VHF optics-The new Varimax VHF optics reduces the beam size to around 90 microns, has a five-fold higher fluence, two times higher divergence, and yields a 20% brighter X-ray flux. The finer beam lowers the background scatter improving signal-to-noise ratio. This modification yields much better results during X-ray crystal screening and X-ray data collection of tiny crystals, and does not adversely affect experiments with crystals of larger 3. Goniometer-Universal 4-circle kappa goniometer-The 4-axis Kappa goniometer (omega, kappa, phi and theta axis) for sample orientation with a detector arm is a popular choice for scientists who require the combined flexibility and precision to collect efficient and accurate data. The goniometer incorporates the following features: new motors allowing it to move twice as fast as its predecessor and with very high accuracy, a symmetrical theta range for flexibility in gathering data in reciprocal space, a new beam stop holder design to allow the detector to be positioned nearer to the sample and a telescoping theta arm for long detector distances. 4. Detector-Rigaku HyPix-Arc 150°-Now with Hybrid photon counting (HPC). The new HPC detectors are shutterless, large area, highly sensitive detectors that enable fast data collection from weakly diffracting crystals, address samples with large unit cells and enable accurate intensity measurement of Friedel pairs (necessary for SAD and chirality experiments). 5. Cryo-unit-Oxford Cryo-stream-for cooling crystals during data collection. Cools to -180℃.


It is useful for both Protein and Small molecule X-ray Crystallography. It is configured with a high flux rotating anode X-ray source with a custom enclosure and an extremely low noise direct X-ray detection detector.


• Small molecule crystallography • Protein crystallography • Screening for fiber and polymer diffraction

Creative Proteomics offers crystal characterization services to help you understand the cell parameters, dot patterns, atomic coordinates of simple structures, and much more. If you are interested, please contact us directly.

For research use only, not intended for any clinical use.