
Mass Spectrometry Analysis Service—HTX Matrix Sprayer for MS Imaging

Mass spectrometry has become invaluable in a wide range of fields and applications, including proteomics. The development of high throughput and quantitative MS proteomics workflows has expanded the scope of protein structure, function, modifications, and overall protein dynamics. In addition, MS has been widely used in metabolomics and glycomics analysis. Creative Proteomics is equipped with advanced mass spectrometers to support your experiments in academia or industry with the professional mass spectrometry-based analysis described above.

Name of the Instrument/Technicial Service

HTX Matrix Sprayer for MS Imaging


System Overview: 1. Sub 20-micron matrix droplets 2. Highly reproducible and uniform droplet deposition 3. Fast sample prep (10-20 minutes per plate) 4. Validated for most conventional MALDI matrices and trypsin digestion 5. Ability to edit and save method files 6. Temperature (up to 130℃) and gas (up to 30 PSI pressure) can be controlled to improve crystal formation and drying. 7. Large flow rate range from 5 µL/min - 5 mL/min


The HTX-TM Spray is a spray-based MALDI sample preparation system that is used to create highly homogenous uniform matrix depositions on a mass spectrometry sample. Mass Spectrometry Imaging (MSI) is a multidimensional MS technique that is used to visualize the spatial distribution of molecules across a sample. To accurately assess molecules across a mass spectral image, the matrix must be deposited equally along all parts of the sample, eliminating "sweet-spots" and inhomogeneities that may exist upon matrix and analyte deposition. The HTX-TM system is a sprayer-based system that allows for uniform, fast, and robust deposition of matrix across a sample. The device can be programmed to control flow rate, temperature, and pressure. Each of these factors play a role in mixing and deposition of matrix onto the sample so that a high quality MS image will result.

Creative Proteomics offers you HTX Matrix Sprayer for MS Imaging-based mass spectrometry services to help you solve your research problems related to proteomics, metabolomics, lipidomics, and more. If you are interested, please contact us directly.

For research use only, not intended for any clinical use.