Spectral analysis is the identification of a substance and the determination of its chemical composition and relative content based on its spectrum. Creative Proteomics offers highly accurate, easy-to-use spectral analyzers that are tailored for laboratory and manufacturing environments. Measurements carried out include OSNR, channel power, SMSR, central wavelength, and more.
1. Spectral range: MIR 4000 to 400-cm-1, NIR 10000 to 2000-cm-1 2. Fiber optics option: Remspec Mid-IR fiber optic immersion probe system for reaction monitoring. This IR probe has a spectral range of 5000-cm-1 to 900cm1
Creative Proteomics offers customers the advantages of fast and sensitive Photon Spectroscopy FTIR-NIR Spectrometer (Mattson ATI Affinity 60AR)-based spectroscopic solutions for a wide range of applications in chemistry, geology and soil science, mining and metallurgy, food science, and medicine. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need any assistance.
For research use only, not intended for any clinical use.