Proteomics research is not only essential for exploring the mysteries of life but can also be of great benefit to human health. Proteomics research is a feature of the post-genetic era in the life sciences. Creative Proteomics can accurately identify and quantify proteins in biological systems by mass spectrometry. We are well equipped to provide ABSciex TripleTof 5600-based proteomics analysis services.
The TripleTof 5600 mass spectrometer is a quadrupole-hybrid time-of-flight instrument. It's a sensitive state-of-the-art instrument with high resolution, mass accuracy and fast acquisition rates (~50 MS/MS per second), suitable for discovery projects (ie what proteins are in my sample?), relative quantitation of proteins (SWATH, iTRAQ, SILAC etc), intact mass analysis (<10 ppm error) and (some) native MS. A Shimadzu Prominence 1D nano-LC system is used to provide upstream separation of samples with reversed phase chromatography.
The dedicated Creative Proteomics team can provide our clients with proteomics analysis services based on ABSciex TripleTof 5600. If this is of interest to you, please feel free to contact us.
For research use only, not intended for any clinical use.