
Proteomics Analysis—Agilent 6890N GC 5973N Single Quadrupole MS

Proteomics research is not only essential for exploring the mysteries of life but can also be of great benefit to human health. Proteomics research is a feature of the post-genetic era in the life sciences. Creative Proteomics can accurately identify and quantify proteins in biological systems by mass spectrometry. We are well equipped to provide Agilent 6890N GC 5973N Single Quadrupole MS-based proteomics analysis services.

Name of the Instrument/Technicial Service

Agilent 6890N GC 5973N Single Quadrupole MS


Specifications 1. Mass Range: 10-500 m/z 2. Automation: Autosampler or manual injection 3. Injection Volume: 1 µL injection volume* Note, larger solvent injections may not be compatible with the inlet volume. 4. Sample Cooler/Thermostat: Samples are not cooled 5. Transfer line temperature: 100-350℃ 6. Ion source temperature: 150-300℃ 7. Quadrupole temperature: 150-200℃



The Agilent 6890N GC 5973N Single Quadrupole MS automatically compensates for variations in atmosphere pressure and temperature resulting in reproducible chromatographic runs. The MS allows for positive ionization via electron impact (EI). The system as a whole provides qualitative and quantitative analysis of compounds. Library matching can provide putative identification of unknown compounds.

Technical Capabilities

1. match retention time and fragmentation to known standards 2. library matching of unknown compounds 3. automated liquid injections 4. manual liquid, headspace or SPME injections

The dedicated Creative Proteomics team can provide our clients with proteomics analysis services based on Agilent 6890N GC 5973N Single Quadrupole MS. If this is of interest to you, please feel free to contact us.

For research use only, not intended for any clinical use.