Proteomics research is not only essential for exploring the mysteries of life but can also be of great benefit to human health. Proteomics research is a feature of the post-genetic era in the life sciences. Creative Proteomics can accurately identify and quantify proteins in biological systems by mass spectrometry. We are well equipped to provide LECO GCxGC Time of Flight Spectrometer-based proteomics analysis services.
Specifications 1. Mode of operation: EI standard 2. Filaments: Dual filaments for EI 3. Transfer line temperature: 0 to 400℃ 4. Ion source temperature: 150 to 350℃ 5. Quadrupole temperature: 150 to 200℃ 6. Mass range: 5 to 1,000 m/z 7. Gerstel Autosampler System-with cooled injection system (CIS) 8. Liquid injection 9. Headspace injection 10. SPME injection 11. Thermal desorption
Comprehensive two-dimensional chromatography (GCxGC) and a time-of-flight mass spectrometer (TOF-MS) offers powerful detection in complex molecular mixtures. On-column cryofocusing of sample assists in detecting even very low volatility analytes. Orthogonal column phases paired with thermal modulation improves selectivity while dramatically raising signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) compared to one dimensional GC analysis. This instrument utilizes Gerstel robotic sampling arm with liquid, SPME, headspace, Twister, and thermal desorption applications available.
1. match retention time and fragmentation to known standards 2. library matching of unknown compounds 3. thermal desorption 4. 2D GC experiments 5. headspace, twister and liquid injections
The dedicated Creative Proteomics team can provide our clients with proteomics analysis services based on LECO GCxGC Time of Flight Spectrometer. If this is of interest to you, please feel free to contact us.
For research use only, not intended for any clinical use.