It is well known that no crystal is perfect. Therefore, one will always find deviations from the ideal structure in natural or artificially produced crystals. These deviations may be related to compositional inhomogeneities, impurities, or defects, all of which affect most of the physical properties of the crystal. The characterization of crystals is therefore a prerequisite for a meaningful interpretation of the results obtained. It is also important from an application point of view. Creative Proteomics offers a crystal characterization service based on Jansi UV Microscope.
Specifications 1. Users can choose to scan plates in Brightfield or UV modes alone, or both modes together. 2. Excitation is from the top-in the episcopic mode-and, therefore, the microscope is usable with both sitting and hanging drops. 3. JANSi UVEX microscope has been built with a very sensitive camera (40% absolute quantum efficiency at 360 nm, as compared to 20-30% efficiency normally found in other cameras) to improve detection efficiency, and highly transmissive (~90% transmittance) filters and other optical elements to improve collection efficiency. 4. The optical system and the camera are highly efficient, giving images with good contrast even with low-intensity deep-UV excitation. 5. Light sources for excitation and brightfield illumination are compact LED array modules. LED sources are quiet, easier to operate and do not generate any IR radiation that can heat the sample.
Tryptophan fluorescence at 360 nm, following deep UV excitation at 280 nm, is the basis for this rapid and noninvasive imaging microscope for distinguishing protein and salt crystals in situ.
Distinguishing protein and salt crystals in situ
Creative Proteomics offers crystal characterization services to help you understand the cell parameters, dot patterns, atomic coordinates of simple structures, and much more. If you are interested, please contact us directly.
For research use only, not intended for any clinical use.