
Mass Spectrometry Analysis—Thermo Fisher Orbitrap Velos Pro with ETD Agilent nanoHPLC

Mass spectrometry has become invaluable in a wide range of fields and applications, including proteomics. The development of high throughput and quantitative MS proteomics workflows has expanded the scope of protein structure, function, modifications, and overall protein dynamics. In addition, MS has been widely used in metabolomics and glycomics analysis. Creative Proteomics is equipped with advanced mass spectrometers to support your experiments in academia or industry with the professional mass spectrometry-based analysis described above.

Name of the Instrument/Technicial Service

Thermo Fisher Orbitrap Velos Pro with ETD Agilent nanoHPLC


Nanoflow LC is widely used for high resolution separations and high sensitivity MS detection. The 1260 Infinity Nanoflow LC system incorporates Agilent's unique Electronic Flow Control (EFC) with active feedback and real-time flow adjustment. EFC delivers a constant flow to the column that is independent of back pressure in the system. Combined with Agilent's capillary and nanoflow pumps, EFC is the gold standard for reliable and robust nanoflow performance. The 1260 Infinity Nanoflow LC is extremely easy to use. Precise flow rates support stable ion generation to ensure obtain high sensitivity nanoflow LC/MS performance.


Building on the industry-leading Thermo Scientific Orbitrap platform, the Thermo Scientific Orbitrap Velos Pro hybrid ion trap-Orbitrap mass spectrometer features dual-pressure linear ion trap technology that delivers increased sensitivity and dynamic range with ultimate robustness. With the Thermo Scientific Velos Produal-pressure linear ion trap front end, rapid scanning enables higher productivity and Generation II optics with neutral blocking technology provide enhanced ruggedness for the system. The outstanding high-resolution, accurate-mass (HR/AM) data quality and sensitivity of the Orbitrap Velos Pro system, whether using CID, HCD or optional ETD fragmentation, makes it ideal for identification of low-level proteins in complex matrices, rapid quantitation of isobarically labeled peptides and structural elucidation of metabolites.


Global proteomics, Biomarker discovery, Post-translational modifications Quantitative proteomics (SILAC/TMT/iTRAP)

Creative Proteomics offers you Thermo Fisher Orbitrap Velos Pro with ETD Agilent nanoHPLC-based mass spectrometry services to help you solve your research problems related to proteomics, metabolomics, lipidomics, and more. If you are interested, please contact us directly.

For research use only, not intended for any clinical use.