Proteomics research is not only essential for exploring the mysteries of life but can also be of great benefit to human health. Proteomics research is a feature of the post-genetic era in the life sciences. Creative Proteomics can accurately identify and quantify proteins in biological systems by mass spectrometry. We are well equipped to provide Thermo Scientific Q Exactive hybrid quadrupole-Orbitrap Benchtop Mass Spectrometer-based proteomics analysis services.
The Q Exactive MS/MS data provides ultimate confidence for a wide range of qualitative and quantitative applications. Its high scan speed (maximum scan speed 12 Hz) and spectral multiplexing capabilities make it fully compatible with UHPLC and fast chromatography techniques. Ions can be created using electrospray with the HESI, Flex Source and EASY Sources, and samples can be delivered using a Syringe pump or by high pressure liquid chromatography. The Q Exactive is interfaced to an EASY nLC-1000 system for LC-MS and LC-MS/MS applications.
MANUFACTURER: Thermo Fisher Scientific
The Thermo Scientific Q Exactive hybrid quadrupole-Orbitrap benchtop mass spectrometer combines high-performance quadrupole precursor selection with high-resolution (resolving power up to 140,000), accurate-mass (HR/AM) Orbitrap detection (internal: < 1 ppm and external: < 3 ppm).
The Q Exactive instrument can easily handle routine applications in proteomics from bottom-up protein identification to semiquantitative isotopic labeling analyses to targeted quantification experiments. The versatility of the instrument has been applied to characterization of simple and complex protein mixtures including whole cell lysates, mapping of posttranslational modifications, and quantitative proteomics analysis of metabolic labeled (SILAC) samples or identification of chemically isotope labeled proteomes using Tandem Mass Tags (TMT) for multiplexing quantitative analysis.
The dedicated Creative Proteomics team can provide our clients with proteomics analysis services based on Thermo Scientific Q Exactive hybrid quadrupole-Orbitrap Benchtop Mass Spectrometer. If this is of interest to you, please feel free to contact us.
For research use only, not intended for any clinical use.