Confocal microscopy is an optical imaging technique that uses point-by-point illumination and spatial pinhole modulation to remove scattered light from the non-focal plane of the sample, allowing for improved optical resolution and visual contrast compared to traditional imaging methods. Creative Proteomics, the imaging experts, can provide you with Zeiss Sigma 500 VP Scanning Electron Microscope-based confocal microscopy imaging services.
We additionally have a standard Everhart-Thornley detector, a high-definition 5-segment backscatter detector, and a dual in-lens detector, for a full range of imaging capabilities. For compositional analyses, our Sigma houses dual, co-planar (diametrically opposite), Bruker energy dispersive X-ray spectrometers and an integrated Bruker microspot X-ray fluorescence unit (µXRF). Finally, our system is also equipped with the ATLAS control module and a 5-axis Cartesian stage to allow for large sample automated imaging.
Our customized Zeiss Sigma 500 VP scanning electron microscope (SEM) is built on a large chamber platform and equipped with the Gemini field-emission column with extended voltage available, yielding excellent count rates for spectrometry and spatial resolution to ~0.7 nm. The chamber is a dry variable pressure system, using a nitrogen gas atmosphere for low-vacuum analyses, and is equipped with a cascade current secondary electron detector for outstanding low-vacuum imaging quality.
Creative Proteomics' Zeiss Sigma 500 VP Scanning Electron Microscope-based confocal microscopy service is an ideal partner for cutting-edge biomedical research, providing precise 3D imaging, as well as accurate imaging of cell structure and dynamic processes, all in one package. If you are interested, please feel free to contact us.
For research use only, not intended for any clinical use.