
Protein Analysis Service—JASCO J-1500/450W

The Creative Proteomics service team can perform a complete JASCO J-1500/450W-based analysis of the proteins in your samples. Our scientists will meet with you throughout the project, from initial planning to delivery of a comprehensive data package, to ensure that your objectives are met.

Name of the Instrument/Technicial Service

JASCO J-1500/450W


Thermal stability of folded molecules can be determined by performing temperature scans. Similarly, conformational stability of a molecule and structural changes induced by complex formation can be checked at constant temperature by adding step by step chemical denaturating agents or specific ligands using a computer driven titrator.


We have an J-1500/ 450W instrument with accessories for the measurement of total fluorescence and to perform titrations. Studying macromolecules (and in particular proteins) by circular dichroism allows to obtain information about their folding. For proteins, far UV (180-260 nm) and near UV (250-330 nm) circular dichroism measurements give insight respectively into their secondary structure content and their tertiary organization. The thermal stability of folding can be determined by applying a temperature gradient to the sample. Similarly, it is possible to quantify the conformational stability of a molecule at constant temperature or the structural changes induced by the formation of a complex, by performing a titration, respectively by a denaturing agent or a ligand.

Creative Proteomics' JASCO J-1500/450W-based protein analysis services can help deepen your scientific progress. If you are interested in this, please contact us directly.

For research use only, not intended for any clinical use.